For three days ,Cornellà becomes the capital of the world for all subaquatic activities, forefronting the longest standing fair in the country dedicated to diving .
The fair in Cornellà ,again visited by thousands of professionals , amateurs , diving enthusiasts.Hosted from the 15th-17th of February,the legendary diving fair ,this year renamed THE MEDITERRANEAN DIVING SHOW.A new name but keeping the prestige achieved in it’s 20 year history,a trade show considered a reference point in the European diving fair calender and enjoyed by the sector who once again return to give support.Attending ,the best brands , manufacturers,distributors, instruction ,schools , diving centres , specialised travel agents , federations……all the personnel related to the world of subaquatic activities.Among new features , the star is MDShow ,catwalks organised for Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning,where different brands show off their new features : wet suits ,flippers , oxygen tanks , masks etc .In the Zona show they also schedule videos and underwater themed films recognised internationally.

International Presence and big brands

Brands like ,Cressi ,Suunto , Beuchat Sub España SAU ,Dear Profundis , Freatic Sport , Garmin or OMS Ibérica are present at the fair and make known their state of the art equipment.An edition that again attracts the attention of international exhibitors representing countries like Portugal , France , Maldives, Italy , Mexico , England , Indonesia , USA or Mozambique.The trade fair , again counts on the support of institutions like the Castellón Tourist Board ,Murciá Region Tourist Institute , Valencian Department of Tourism , Director General of Fishing and Maritime Affairs from the Generalitat de Catalunya ,also the Catalan Federation of Subaquatic Activities of Catalonia and aquatic rescue services like the Fire Service from the Generalitat and the Spanish Subaquatic Emergency services .

Conferences , presentations , parades , audiovisuals in the “Zona show”

To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the MDShow has scheduled many activities to complement the exposition area .Some of these like the professional seminars with interesting conferences about the sector abd presentation of innovations by the brand’s within the framework of the fair.
New this year is the “ZONA SHOW” where prestigious audiovisuals are continually projected like the documentary “La evolution del cube submarismo “ by Manel Gil who received “la Barandilla de Bronce ,the best documentary award in the 42nd International Diving Cinema festival I San Sebastian ,last November.The MD Show will have present the awardee.In the Zona Show also premieres the screening of the best underwater videos from the participants of the 2018 competition in nature of international PHOTOVIDEOSUB with educational purposes and with elements promoting diving and encouraging the
protection of marine environment.The FOTOVIDEOSUB organisation take advantage of the fair to present the 2019 underwater videos and photos competition.
The heated swimming pool installed in the Cornellà installation is the focus of attention for the three days of the fair . Certified instructors offer the youngsters the possibility of completing their first dive ,supplied with wetsuits and all the equipment necessary to dive.The swimming pool also where the demonstrations take place and on this occasion the MD Show will have present the professional diver, Miguel Lozano,double time runner up in the world in two of three disciplines in depth Diving (constant weight without flippers and free immersion)
The 20th edition of the legendary Diving trade fair in Cornellà will take place from the 15th to the 17th of February becoming the best showcase in the world of subaquatic activities in the country.

15th , 16th and 17th of February 2019
Friday and Saturday:from 10h until 21h
Sunday:from 10h to 17h.
Entrance : 6 euros

The Mediterranean Diving fair says farewell with over 15000 visitors

The static apnoea exhibitions with renowned champions ,water immersion and latest equipment are those which draw the attention


Today ,Sunday at 5pm,we said farewell to the XIX Mediterranean Diving fair ,good attendance ,8,300 square metres where more than 140 exhibitors joined together in one of our most international fairs.It included professionals from Germany, Philippines,France,Italy, Mexico,Portugal,UK, Thailand,USA,,Azores,and Madeira.From Friday when the ever famous immersion hall opened it’s doors by,Sunday,15000 visitors passed through the doors of the Cornellà fair,a figure maintained from last year.
The swimming pool has been one of the main interests over the weekend, top level divers participating like Miguel Lozano and Tewfki Blaoui. Also more than 100 youngsters have completed their first dive with the help and support of the Subaquatic Emergency services,the youngsters took away their first regulated dive certificate.
The Technical seminar rooms also have been packed in the majority of the programmed conferences, throughout the three days.

The manufacturers and distributors took advantage to display their innovations and latest equipment ;wetsuits , computers, flippers , equipment to record underwater images etc. Schools and Scuba diving centres promoted their outings and have offered scuba diving classes for all levels.Travel Agents have introduced us to more unusual destinations and also the more traditional ,as the seabeds in places like the Red Sea, Philippines and the Maldives continue to be the favourites .Also in the fair there has been growing interest in nearby destinations like the Catalan coast and the seabeds in Gran Canaria.

The XIX fair also had some special moments like the award Ceremony “Diver of Honour” which was received on Saturday by Dr Mercè Vilanova ,a commendation that every year is awarded by the Historical Diving Society Spain.For it’s part Promotur Islas Canarias took advantage of their first assistance to give and introduce the winner of the “Open Photo Sub online Isla del el Hierro , Jesus Yeeai Delgado and to release the dates of the XXII Open Fotosub for Biodiversity which takes place on the 19-21st October 2018
The tenth presence of the Diving Hall gained good figures maintaining itself as one of the main European fairs and in the Spanish sector.Not forgetting that Catalonia is where you can find the largest number of federated divers in the country.
Friday saw visitors with a more professional profile,leading into a more familiar public visiting Cornellà fair on Saturday and Sunday.In general the visitors were looking for the latest material, features of the subaquatic recording equipment which has growing number of enthusiasts .In third place offers of destinations to complete their next diving trips.This year the recreational scuba diver returned looking for attractive seabeds which also offer charming tourist places.This confirms the sector known as “Blue Economy”.
With this new incentive we say farewell to the XIX Mediterranean Diving fair with the satisfaction we have been able to attract Exhibitors and visitors and looking for new dates for the 2019 fair.